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El Marchito - Colombia

El Marchito - Colombia

Regular price 1,800.00 RSD
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Blackberry. Lemon. Chocolate.

Process - Anaerobic Fermentation
Varietal - Colombia
Region - Tolima
Terroir - Gaitania
Farm - El Marchito
Producer - Justiniano Paya
Altitude - 1600 - 2100 masl

This coffee is a unique offering from Colombia, processed using an anaerobic fermentation method. In this method, coffee cherries are fermented in a controlled, oxygen-deprived environment, which amplifies the bean's natural flavors and enhances its complexity.

The taste profile of this coffee is distinctly rich and vibrant, featuring a delightful blend of blackberry and raisin top notes with undercurrents of zesty lemon and smooth chocolate. This combination provides a balanced and deeply flavorful cup, showcasing the innovative techniques and diverse terroir of Colombia.

After harvesting, the coffee cherries are fermented for around 120 hours in anaerobic conditions in plastic bags.
The cherries are then pulped and washed. The coffee then ferments in parchment, in the same environment, for between 24 and 60 hours.
The parchment then dries for between 72 and 240 hours, in the shade of the farm's marquesinas.

As far as drying times are concerned, as is often the case, it all depends on the weather. Depending on the heat, exposure to the sun and humidity, the fermentation and drying periods can be shorter or longer.

We recommend this coffee for all filter methods.

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