Aeropress recipe


AeroPress was invented in 2005 by Alan Adler (USA), and the AeroPress soon gained popularity due to its short brewing time and versatility - delivering everything from mocha to filter coffee

AeroPress is based on the mechanics of the French Press. The addition of paper filters and a rubber seal results in excellent extraction and a fantastic mouthfeel.

The great advantage of the AeroPress is that it is relatively easy to master the technique of preparing coffee with it, and the quality of the beverage that is made is very high.



  • Coffee - 12g
  • Water - 200g
  • Water temperature - 99'C
  • Coffee granulation - medium fine
  • Duration - 4:00 - 10:00

Step 1
- Place the AeroPress on the cup or container in which you will store the coffee. Put the coffee in the AeroPress. There is no need to water the filter before adding coffee.

Step 2
- Pour all 200ml of water into the AeroPress. After that, carefully place the piston on the AeroPress and gently pull it upwards to create a vacuum - but don't pull too hard!

Step 3
- Let the coffee sit in the AeroPress for anywhere between 2 and 10 minutes. The longer your coffee sits, the greater the extraction, but also, the extraction slows down significantly with time. In our case, practice has shown us that 4 minutes is the best ratio of quality and waiting time.

Step 4 - Carefully holding the container, the AeroPress and the plunger, stir the coffee in the AeroPress in circular motions. After this, let the AeroPress rest for 30 seconds. It is important to wait at this stage, so that all the coffee particles settle to the bottom.

Step 5 - Gently start pushing the plunger down. The slower you press the plunger, the fewer coffee particles will bypass the filter and you will get a cleaner drink. When the plunger reaches the coffee and almost touches it, you're done!
